Formation 2016–2018 – ditecteur commercial production atlantic fish 2012–2014 – bts (brevet de technicien superieur) en commerce international cfpc (centre de formation professional et commerciale) maurice delafosse 2009–2010 – l 1(passage conditionnel) en langue sciences humaines option francaise universite gaston berger de saint louis 2005–2008 – bac (certificat d’aptitude au grade de bachelier de l’enseignement […]
Valerio Anzon (nato a Palermo il 05/07/1949). Laureato in Giurisprudenza. Ex Funzionario del Banco di Sicilia/Unicredit in pensione In servizio dal 1975 al 2011 – Filiali – Servizio Operazioni. Speciali e Rapporti con Enti – Organizzazione – Rete con mansioni direttive – Istruttore bancario. 1968/1975 Collaboratore Interno del Giornale L’Ora di Palermo quale Giornalista Pubblicista […]
Born in India (Delhi) in the year 1975, after completing his high school, along with perusing his Bachelors degree, in 1993 he took up a job in his Father’s clothing company as a trainee in the marketing wing. In the year 1995, when the group diversified their business interests, he was appointed as a Marketing […]